September Gathering: Word, Prayer and Meal
Sunday, September 22, 2019
10:30 AM — 12:30 PM
Hudsonville Christian School (map)
Join us for a time of word, prayer, lunch and community. This gathering is open to anyone but serves as the third monthly worship gathering for those helping to plant Trinity Church PCA. To be clear, this is not a “preview service” or “information meeting.”
This is a gathering for public worship through word and prayer for the glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the edification of God’s people - anyone is welcome to join. Regular weekly gatherings will begin later this year.
We love kids. Your children are expected and are welcome to join in the full gathering. Feel free to walk around with them if necessary and relax, all kids make noise. A formal nursery space will be available once regular weekly gatherings begin.
Trinity Church will hold one Sunday gathering per month until the formal launch of the church.
RSVP? Not necessary, but appreciated. Drop us a note at to let us know you are coming or confirm on our Facebook event page.
Meal: We’ll take care of the meal, you come ready to eat following our gathered worship.
Location: Hudsonville Christian School. 3435 Oak St, Hudsonville, MI 49426. Follow the signs.
Time: Gathered worship beings at 10:30am with the free meal immediately following.
Question? We’ll gladly answer any questions you have by contacting us at