Join us as we gather to sing the Word, pray the Word, hear the Word, confess the Word, see the Word, and be transformed by the Word.
#64 Matthew 17:1-13 The Kingdom Revealed: Transfiguration
Gathered Worship
Hudsonville Christian Elementary School
Here’s what you need to know for 7/2:
Indoor Gathered Worship is at 9:30 am at Hudsonville Christian School
This Worship Gathering will be Live Streamed via YouTube.
The worship gathering is family-friendly (we love and welcome your kids for the full gathering). Seriously, we love your kids and consider having them in our gatherings a joy.
Trinity Kids Nursery (Infant-5yr) is available during each Sunday gathering.
We will be participating in the Lord’s Supper. We walk forward to receive the elements. However, individual self-sealed bread and juice cups are provided when you enter the gathering for those who would rather not walk forward. Gluten-free elements are always available.
A liturgy will be provided with an order of service, lyrics, and scripture.